* Newsletter October 2021
* Eye Floaters
* Latest news
Newsletter October 2021
Dear reader,

On the 18th of October Andalusia started to give the third Corona vaccination.

At the moment, it is given to people over 70 years old and people with a higher risk. In most places, it is given together with the flu vaccination, which sometimes leads to more side effects.

In this newsletter I will inform you about ´floaters´ in the eyes. These are spots in your vision. Eye floaters are mostly caused by the normal aging process, but sometimes you can have a sudden onset of a lot of floaters and you need urgent examination.

Ask the pharmacist about your medication management. Read more about this new service in Centro Mar y Salud latest news.
Kind regards,
Bernadette Veeger
Eye floaters
These may look to you like black or gray specks, strings, or cobwebs that drift about when you move your eyes and appear to dart away when you try to look at them directly. Most eye floaters are caused by age-related changes that occur as the jelly-like substance (vitreous) inside your eyes becomes more liquid. Microscopic fibers within the vitreous tend to clump and the shadows you see are called floaters. Stress and tiredness can increase the amount.

But if you notice a sudden increase in eye floaters you must see a doctor. If the number of floaters is less than 10 at the same time and you don´t have light flashes, vision loss or risk factors (like nearsightedness, eye trauma of operations, diabetes or eye inflamation) we recommend to see the eye specialist within 1 week, otherwise you have to see an eye specialist urgently. These painless symptoms could be caused by a retinal tear, with or without a retinal detachment. Untreated retinal detachment can cause permanent vision loss.
Latest news
  • Our specialists will be available for appointments on the following dates:
    • Dr. Pedro Chinchurreta, cardiologist: Thursday 18/11 and 16/12.
    • Dr. Manio Maravic, neurologist: Wednesday 03/11.
    • Dr. Vicente Aneri Más, dermatologist: Friday 19/11 and 10/12.
    • Dr. Victor Aguilar, gastroenterologist: Friday 19/11 and 17/12.
  • We have the FLU vaccination available in our clinic now.
  • Do you have a question for our pharmacist? A friend pharmacist in Holland will be available from now on to answer any specific questions about medication, interactions, side effects, etc. You can contact Marjolein Deurvorst by mailing to with the subject ¨Ask the pharmacist¨.
  • For more information or to make an appointment you can contact us on 952 532 065 or
Centro Mar Y Salud, paseo marítimo 4, El Morche,